Sunday, September 20, 2009

romance or tv dinner...

Apparently, there aren't so many lonely souls out there spilling their feelings over a gallon of ice cream being comforted by their happily coupled friends. According to pew, all those lonely singles out there need to stop complaining and actually take a shower, take off the sweats and join the fun. But how? Internet dating services? I can't speak for the world, but don't all those cases of crazy people hunting active lookers make you hesitate just a little before clicking the SIGN UP NOW button, or however they do it...? I know a few people who have trusted the internet, released personal information and are not currently being stalked or threatened by some creeper. But the question remains the same...does it work?

I would think it would take some of the fun out of it. Like that feeling when you're out somewhere and you see a cute guy, your eyes meet from across the room, you smile shyly, he coyly winks and starts walking your way, your pulse quickens and you become suddenly aware of every inch of yourself, the outfit you picked out, the way your hair is probably frizzing and smelling like cigarettes, and as he approaches, you fall in love. Oh crap, wait a second, I'm in make believe land. Let's rephrase...this doesn't happen. Instead, you're at that same bar, wearing the same outfit, standing on a floor that must be coated in some kind of super stick glue and some drunk girl pushes by you, spills her beer down the back of your dress, and leaves you feeling utterly annoyed. Not to mention the hottie on the other end can't see through his beer goggles.

So do I blame that vast majority of non lookers? The giver-up-ers of the world? Not so much. I live in a small town where the guys care more about their trucks than they do about anything worthwhile. The local hangout consists of a parking lot that creeps me out, and a bar that we refer to as "the dirt bar." Lucky me. While I admit, I may be taking a long walk down cynical lane, I can't help but wonder if there's anything out there worth waiting around for. Probably, but how? Only 1% of Americans meet on a blind date or through the internet, so what's the point of online dating services? To give people hope? Something to hold onto? Couldn't that be considered as false hope?

Maybe when I find myself having a midlife crisis, single and pissed off, I'll readdress this issue. Or create a profile...

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